

Hereditary one day, The Notebook the next, and both with 5 stars. That's how we roll.

Favorite films

  • Inglourious Basterds
  • Whiplash
  • Pulp Fiction
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street

Recent activity

  • Osmosis Jones


  • Final Destination 5


  • The Final Destination


  • Final Destination 3


Recent reviews

  • Osmosis Jones

    Osmosis Jones


    You know what........ this didn't suck.

  • Final Destination 5

    Final Destination 5


    Oh wow, a prequel. How entertaining.

    2 things I can't believe...
    1.) That David Koechner is in this. (I don't know why, either. Just weird to me.)
    2.) That so many people actually love this series. It doesn't have a single great entry. 3 of the 5 are fine. The writing and acting is so terrible through it all. However, I suppose if literally all you're looking for is fun deaths, okay then.

    And yet, with all that being said, I'll be at the new one in the theater when it gets here.

    Just for funsies, I'd rank these 2, 5, 1, 3, 4.

Popular reviews

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    I guess I'll start here; if I was giving the Oscar to one of the three acting nominations, I'd give it to Pearce. Okay, moving on.

    I don't know man... Like, of course I can't give this below 4 stars. All the technical stuff was perfect. Not a single moment of slippery acting. I just don't get why the hell best picture front runners and winners have to be so damn... uneventful, as often as they are. (I know. I…

  • The Menu

    The Menu


    I'm very well aware that this is just supposed to be a 3.5 to 4.5 above average but not perfect movie. But this, is, my, freaking, jam. I LOVE this movie. I loved it the first time I saw it, and I've somehow loved it more every watch (this was watch 4).

    Every performance is perfect. The setting is wonderful. The plot is so fun. My type of humor is sprinkled all throughout. I wouldn't change a thing. This movie absolutely slays.

    Better than anything that was just nominated for best picture 😱🤷‍♂️
