

I watch movie because i need it.

Favorite films

  • 12 Angry Men
  • The Little Prince
  • Little Forest
  • Arrival

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK


  • A Brother and 7 Siblings


  • Home Sweet Loan


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Watching Mickey 17 feels like holding onto an interesting premise but it doesn't hold you tightly. At least that's what I felt.

    Very excited when the trailer came out. But, maybe my expectation to get more humanistic approach of the story was not given by Bong. The moralistic dilemma and class gap that Bong usually shows in his films felt a bit bland. 

    Is it fun? of course. But is it pleasuring me? hmm probably not really.  

    Anyway what…

  • Home Sweet Loan

    Home Sweet Loan


    Finally! an Indonesian movie without cringe dialogue line 😌

Popular reviews

  • How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies

    How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies


    Never ever in my life, intentionally brought tissues at the cinema. But this one made me did it. Everyone was sobbed, help us!

  • The Exiles

    The Exiles


    Ini tentang manusia dan perjalanan mereka yang diasingkan. 

    Eksil, secara humanis menceritakan bagaimana perspektif lain dari peristiwa 1965 dan mereka yang terdampak. 

    Dibuang oleh rezim, terpisah dari sanak keluarga, menjadi tanpa kewarganegaraan, berkelana tanpa kepastian dan keadilan. Ribuan kilometer memisahkan para eksil dan tanah air, tapi tidak satu inci pun mereka melepas jati diri mereka sebagai seorang Indonesia. 

    I can see how deep and passionately the exiles tell the story and how they felt since 1965. 

    Betapa tekun pak Sarmadji…
