Alex HD

Alex HD

i ordered my hot sauce an hour ago

Favorite films

  • Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Inland Empire
  • The Beast
  • Pacifiction

Recent activity

  • The Untouchables


  • Ice Age: Continental Drift

  • Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs


  • About Endlessness


Recent reviews

  • The Untouchables

    The Untouchables


    I love, love, love de Palma's camerawork so much. It’s still so fresh and expressive? You got your distorted wide angle close-ups, your split diopters, even some lengthy oners and pov shots and slo mos and… it’s a joy to watch.
    Also remember that even in this "developed" world the structures this movie lays bare are still here, they are just much more obscure OR have become morally acceptable through decades-long legal efforts; The fight for justice is still as brutal.

  • Ice Age: Continental Drift

    Ice Age: Continental Drift


Popular reviews

  • Heat



    he's the modern man: disconnected, frightened... paranoid, but with good reason.
    it's too sad to be funny.

    neoliberalism destroys all human connection, and there is no escape from it, not in friendship, not in love, not in marriage. maybe the loneliest movie of all time, except whatever de niro and al pacino have going on.
    michael mann has unparalleled juice here, and al pacino is just funny as fuck

  • The Beast

    The Beast


    It’s almost pointless to start writing about what’s going on in this movie because it’s just too much, I’m gonna have to watch it a 2nd time soon because it overloaded my brain. The beast feels like a huge journey, an entire lifetime crammed into 2.5 hours. Despite being super postmodern, ironic, 4th-wall-breaking, it’s just so radically sincere and vulnerable. So many little observations about life and the future that are so poignant and painfully accurate, everything in this huge…
