loveeee the way this movie was filmed the scares/surprises were so subtle and not gory but still equally effective plus the lines gustave dropped were just banger after banger
“no it’s not that i dislike them it’s that I’m physically repulsed”
loveeee the way this movie was filmed the scares/surprises were so subtle and not gory but still equally effective plus the lines gustave dropped were just banger after banger
“no it’s not that i dislike them it’s that I’m physically repulsed”
the book did a better job and that’s saying something because i don’t really fw colleen hoover!!
i feel like this movie just took all the things that made the book deep and thought provoking and didn’t do that like this movie rushed low key?? but it was still 2 hours long and every other scene w ryle was a problem scene so no duh it feels more black and white and it didn’t paint the complexities of abuse as…
this movie was honestly exactly as mid as expected tho it was funny to see sam from glee with cady heron and annie/hallie from parent trap!! truly just put on the first thing i saw on netflix and called it a day and it went exactly as expected predictable, boring, forgettable, and christmas cliche!