

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Ocean's Eleven
  • Marwencol
  • It's Such a Beautiful Day

Recent activity

  • Elevator to the Gallows


  • The Triplets of Belleville


  • Only Lovers Left Alive


  • Paterson


Recent reviews

  • Elevator to the Gallows

    Elevator to the Gallows


    Despite the clever domino effect of actions and the perfect pace of plot and editing, the emotional journey is not unlike arbitrarily rooting for a sports team based on their colors or mascot.

    Interestingly, the lovers shared no screen time together, making it almost impossible to invest in their affair. The underdeveloped characters amounts to lack of real stakes for the viewer. The most interesting subplot involving a compulsive liar and thief and his reluctant partner in crime culminates to nothing more than a simple resolve that tidily wraps up the respective crimes. Ultimately, it’s engaging without being riveting, and dramatic without being moving.

  • The Triplets of Belleville

    The Triplets of Belleville


    A gem of an animated film that showcases the expansiveness and limitlessness of untethered creativity. It’s also funny. And weird. Not only are the characters and story compelling, but the animation is truly unique, almost caricature-like. The calves of the bikers, for example, are absurdly massive. While this doesn’t rank as one of my personal favorite films, I do think it’s a masterpiece, and showcases the how far imagination can stretch the medium of film.

Popular reviews

  • Deathtrap



    Recommended by Jon

    Giving this less than five stars would be absolutely criminal.

    There’s really no need to give this a formal review. One needs to experience it for oneself. Boy am I glad I went in knowing absolutely nothing, and it’s for this very reason that what follows will contain almost nothing specific.

    The plot is original, twisting, and engaging at every turn. The dialogue fittingly blends the theatrical with the realistic. The acting and directing are a masterclass.…

  • The Wraith

    The Wraith


    Recommended by Bryce

    This movies eighties harder than the eighties eightied. It’s so dated it hurts.

    It belongs in the category of being so bad it’s good, although it doesn’t quite make my top list of enjoyable schlock.

    I commend the director’s obsession and commitment to fast cars, giant explosions, and voluptuous young women - all those dude’s dude things that dudes love.

    I had a fun time watching it and quite a few laughs - especially the car punks getting high by chugging hydraulic fluid and snorting WD-40. Because that’s how car freaks get high.
