weakest dumont of his post-quinquin period, but still top tier cinema. funny, smart, imaginative and so fucking dumb.
noticed lynchian fragments earlier, but here the influence, even quotation is very obvious.
weakest dumont of his post-quinquin period, but still top tier cinema. funny, smart, imaginative and so fucking dumb.
noticed lynchian fragments earlier, but here the influence, even quotation is very obvious.
there are some great slapstick moments, but other than that — pretty flat satire and boring plot. good cast don’t help at all, and ruffalo, with all my love, is quite annoying. tbh, trump as a villain becomes very stupid cliché that cannot be executed inventive or even funny.
proof that low-budget procedural with a bunch of nonames could be better than all that crap called contemporary art-mainstream. michael mann rules.