
anna Patron

Anna, Italian. I like films, books, art and cats.

Favorite films

  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  • Cold War
  • Frances Ha
  • Some Like It Hot

Recent activity

  • Frankie and Johnny


  • Limelight


  • Muse

  • Picture This


Pinned reviews

  • Showing Up

    Showing Up


    The burden of being a creative person while also having to deal with mundane things that are sometimes hard, sometimes beautiful in all of their banality. Just like living in a place with no hot water but having a cute orange cat to come back home to.

  • Léon Morin, Priest

    Léon Morin, Priest


    I don’t believe in God, yet I always find myself fascinated by films about religion: whether it’s Martin Scorsese’s Silence or Ingmar Bergman’ Winter Light I always end up feeling deeply, deeply moved.
    Perhaps I was so struck by Leon Morin, priest because our protagonist Barny is an atheist just like me. She feel the need to question everything about religion and she never holds back, she candidly talks to a priest about being in love with a woman and…

Recent reviews

  • On Falling

    On Falling


    It's been a while since I've seen a film that captures so perfectly what it means to live (or should I rather say survive) under capitalism.
    I was reminded of Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism (especially its chapter about the resurgence of bureaucracy) and quite obviously of the most recent films of Ken Loach, like Sorry We Missed You and particulary the heartbreaking scene set in the food bank in I, Daniel Blake.
    After all food plays an important role in…

  • Seven Samurai

    Seven Samurai


    There's nothing that I could say about this film that hasn't been said already more than a thousands times by far more important people than me.
    What I will say is that it's extremely easy to understand why this film is considered a masterpiece, everything feels majestic and the scope of it is, still to this day, unmatched.
    I will never forget the shot of the old man in the mill or Toshiro Mifune (showcasing every single human emotion in one single film) saying "this baby is me". I will never forget its grandiosity and beauty that left me so many times simply speechless.

Popular reviews

  • Tatami



    Can't shake the feeling that's it's quite hypocritical and dishonest to have a character talk about how Iran doesn't respect basics human rights (which is definitely true) without addressing the elephant in the room, Israel.
    They're not getting excluded from any competition, are they?

  • Bad Tales

    Bad Tales


    Io sto pensando a tutte le persone straniere che guarderanno questo film e che inevitabilmente si chiederanno perché Antonio Banderas viene definito come "quello della gallina".