24. Movie enjoyer.
Top 4 are my favourite first-time watches from February.
Easily the best cinema experience of my life! I even made it to Nick Frost’s Instagram!!
Feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to attend the 20th anniversary of this incredible film in Leicester Square with a live Q&A from Edgar Wright and Nick Frost (Simon Pegg couldn’t attend due to illness, but Edgar still called him live on stage anyway!). I just have so much love for that trio, so I’ll remember this showing for the rest of my…
I genuinely think the 20 minutes or so between the start of Good Mornin’ and end of Singin’ in the Rain just might be the best 20 minutes in cinema history.
Just a ridiculously feel-good film.
2025 52 Week Film Challenge
Week #12 - Maths Link (Minus One)
Amazing how good this looks on such a small budget…big studios take notes!
I can’t lie I’m not much of a Godzilla fan so I never really got into this, but can definitely appreciate how this was so loved.
As expected, this is such ridiculously silly fun.
When it’s funny, it’s hilariously funny. Not every sketch worked for me, but when they did, my god was I laughing. Geniuses of comedy.
Look, you stupid bastard, you’ve got no arms left!