Ali Zolghadriha

Ali Zolghadriha

Favorite films

  • Se7en
  • Taxi Driver
  • Only Yesterday
  • Once Upon a Time in America

Recent activity

  • Boycott


  • Run Lola Run


  • Carnage


  • Mantra


Recent reviews

  • Run Lola Run

    Run Lola Run


    Deutsches Kino ist sexy. Laufen, Techno, Berlin, Obdachlose, Waffe, Geld, Casino und Love- mehr braucht ein guter Film nicht.

  • The Seed of the Sacred Fig

    The Seed of the Sacred Fig


    Ich persönlich fand den letzten Shining-Akt sehr gut gefilmt, und die Wahl des Drehorts in Kharanaq war brillant, um den Labyrinth-Effekt zu vermitteln.

Popular reviews

  • My Favourite Cake

    My Favourite Cake


    The movie was very sweet like a small piece of cake, very bitter like the feeling of being lonely, delicious like a spoonful of dolme, authentic like an iranian house, euphoric like dancing with someone you had waited a lifetime for. Like all things that are not eternal, it also becomes bitter like the fate of simply being born in Iran, like growing old, like no one calls you except for work. Sad like loneliness. I need a sip of strong homemade red wine to forget everything.

  • Chosen


    Ein toller Film von einem tollen Team.