Pitt's appetite in Ocean's Eleven.
Top 5 just whatever shit I’m ranting/yelling/hooting/hollering about at given time.
A waste of J Wright. Also, could probably do with more of whatever movie Sterling in. Because why not.
There is no place in the American film cannon for this. Simply put, it is outside of the scope of both Hollywood and even the independent circles it came from. Ebert said it best when reviewing it when he noted, “At certain moments we are not sure exactly what is being said or signified, but by the end we understand everything that happened — not in an intellectual way, but in an emotional way”. These words have stuck with me…
Yorgos does it again. An amazing satire that is equally dark, funny and witty. A three-headed monster led by Olivia Coleman was some of the best acting of 2018. Turning a period piece on its head like Yorgos does here is a perfect example of how old Hollywood tropes in movies can be repackaged with some life!