Amy M

Amy M

Thirty-something avid reader and documentary lover.

Favorite films

  • Kedi
  • Dirty Dancing
  • The Craft
  • Mermaids

Recent activity

  • Falling Inn Love

  • Wine Country

  • Isn't It Romantic

  • Knives Out


Recent reviews

  • Killing Patient Zero

    Killing Patient Zero


    The film is told entirely through “talking head” interviews with friends and family of the so-called patient zero, as well as with researchers. It covers the homophobia and feel of living through those times, and discusses their lives and that of Gaetan Dugas. It discusses how he inaccurately came to be called patient zero, how it was never true, and also shows the science behind why it was a false distortion. Generally the format isn’t one I’m interested in, but it was well done and held my attention.

  • #Female Pleasure

    #Female Pleasure


    Interesting film about the suppression of women’s sexual pleasure and women themselves by patriarchy and religion. I didn’t feel it actually addressed today’s pornograohic culture, which is what I was expecting, and so could have done without some of the explicit content during the opening sequence. It felt unnecessary and included for shock value.

Popular reviews

  • Thrust



    A group who use thrusting and public performance to push people to view other forms and parts of, and ways to embody, femininity. Powerful and infectious.

  • Pumpkin Movie

    Pumpkin Movie


    Two women share a Skype date while carving Halloween pumpkins and sharing stories of everyday mundane sexism. A real and powerful example of living life while female.