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  • Midsommar
  • Hot Rod
  • South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
  • The Orphanage

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  • Adolescence


  • Mickey 17


  • M.O.M. Mothers of Monsters


  • Jacob's Ladder


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Everything Bong Joon Ho just turns to fucking gold.

    0 notes. I loved everything about this. The highs were high, the laughs were good and the slow moments realy effective. Bonus points for Ruffalo in his unhinged baddies era. 

    I will defend the creepers with my life

  • M.O.M. Mothers of Monsters

    M.O.M. Mothers of Monsters


    A movie attempting to be overly edgy and shocking but realy isn’t particularly edgy or shocking. It’s sort of fucked but it never realy achieves what it sets out to do. Suprisingly boring throughout

Popular reviews

  • Mog's Christmas

    Mog's Christmas


    Perfect Christmas short cartoon. I have always loved mog and this is perfect

  • Strange Darling

    Strange Darling


    Breaking this down to its core, I think this is a realy trashy movie that’s wrapped up in realy wanky wrapping paper. And some how it comes togeather like ketchup and mayo …. And u fucking love ketchup and mayo. 

    I didn’t get what it was trying to do until about just under half way through and then BAM. OHHHHHHHH I SEEEEEEEEE. Yeah I’m in. 

    The less I say about this the better but it’s brilliant. Stellar performances from the two leads and the supporting cast are also excellent. 

    If you see it, give it time to breathe and you’ll be hugely rewarded.
