Amazing visually and Battinson is great.
But I can’t unsee that cameo scene, nor the incredibly lazy climax post Riddler reveal.
Amazing visually and Battinson is great.
But I can’t unsee that cameo scene, nor the incredibly lazy climax post Riddler reveal.
So bad it’s bad.
Awful performances, awful CGI, bland locations and a boring story combine to make this one of the worst experiences you are likely to have watching a film.
It doesn’t get much worse than this.
It's good, but people (critics) are getting a bit carried away with it.
The romance is engaging (even though the age gap is weird), which makes the film. Both leads are fantastic. As expected from PTA, it looks and sounds great.
In some ways it's nice that the structure is so loose. Most of the vignettes are great fun, especially the Bradley Cooper bit. The downside of this though is that beyond the romance, the story feels aimless.
Still, good fun.
Distasteful, shocking and shamelessly drenched in neon.
I loved it.