

"Film lovers are sick people."
François Truffaut

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Recent reviews

  • Visitors from the Galaxy

    Visitors from the Galaxy


    Autentično balkansi. Šteta što se ovako više neekspermentiše.
    Ima specifičan niskobudžetni šarm koji mogu da imaju samo stari naučnofantastični filmovi koji su snjimani na filmu sa praktičnim efektima tokom snjimanja pa i tokom montaže.
    Zabavan je, a i glup, vredi ga odgledati iako je poprilično amaterski uradjen. Po svim merilima a posebno po plitkoj priči, ali idalje i tu ima nešto neverovatno svojevrsno šarmantno. Nije svaki dan da se nađe ovako autentičan film samom sebi, a posebno ne na maternjem jeziku.
    Stvarno je jedinstveno iskustvo odgledati ga.

  • We Live in Public

    We Live in Public


    I can't believe what I just watched. It feels like looking at the most accurate prediction of the future that was ever documented, it's actually insane.
    I'm just shocked that I haven't heard of this documentary, in everyday life, as was the case with "The Social Dilemma" when it came out. Everybody was talking about it at the time, about how it finally exposed the marketing strategy of social media and internet rabbit holes that lead to complete radicalization. How…

Popular reviews

  • The Party

    The Party


    A perfect movie for a cold rainy day. Movie equivalent of a warm blanket.

    It's a fairly simple plot, I mean it's about life when you're preteen, how should I say it. It's just the right time when you're life really starts to pick up its pace. When all your preconceived ideas of what it means to be a teen, an adult, from movies or tv shows, start to come true.
    There is also a really sweet side story about…

  • Marble Ass

    Marble Ass


    Pa, nikad nisam očekivala da ću videti ljude koji se mese u testu.

    Ali iskreno film je genijalan koliko uspeva da bude smešan na mestima gde bi duša trebala da te boli od užasa, preko same činjenice kroz šta neki ljudi prolaze tokom života, da bi preživeli i pronašli barem malo sreće i smisla.