anna, a known bastard

anna, a known bastard

i hate it when """"movies"""" are """"good""""'

Favorite films

  • The Handmaiden

Recent activity

  • The Fall

  • Tuesday Club

  • The Little Mermaid

  • Bottoms

Recent reviews

  • Raya and the Last Dragon

    Raya and the Last Dragon

    this movie felt so empty and void of heart and soul i'm afraid.. the dragon was the worst part and none of the jokes were funny, and the heartwarming moments weren't warming, because there was no heart poured into them of course, and in general i felt nothing but vague annoyance because i wanted it to be better than it actually was, but it refused to commit. you'd say it's a kid's movie but even children deserve good media i'm afraid, and this isn't good children's media.

  • Ammonite


    i've heard the poor reviews, but i watched this movie because i love god's own country and thought.. well... how bad Could it be? well. it was bad but i cannot pinpoint where and how exactly it could've been improved. ppl point out the lack of chemistry between the mains, which is a fact! also the movie is extremely boring! i think it could've gone one of 2 ways in order to be more meaningful:

    -either the protagonist is whatshername…

Popular reviews

  • Cheap Smokes

    Cheap Smokes


    i'm convinved everyone giving this a 5 star review has a bit of a brain damage.. no offense besties i'm greek too but also i have eyes and a brain and a heart and a weebit of taste and can tell this movie is nothing but an hour and a half of pretentious, probably auto generated & definitely very misogynistic bullshit........ find another film to jack off to this is embarassing.

    (epishs giati lene oloi oti einai dekapentavgoustiatikh tainia? haides houides telika kamia sxesh alla kai pali kallitera perasa apo na paw ekkl*sia.)

  • The Edge of Love

    The Edge of Love

    this is literally only a bad movie if you think the protagonist is the welsh dick... hes not, vera is (fools those who think keira knightley isnt the protagonist of every movie shes ever been in tbh). the story is abt her emotional emancipation from the other guy like whats not clickinggg. also she and mr murphy are hot together whats not to like. there's also a bilingual bonus when the greek soldier tells cillian [paraphrasing] you lost your vera cause vera means wedding ring in greek. peace and love on planet earth but if u dont like this movie i do not understand u
