Pretty dumb, made me think several times about how movies are a dying art form. All the performances and the movie itself feel kind of tired?
I struggle to see this as anything more than out of touch leisure class hipsters making hollow 'art.'
Five stars:
Finnish wizards and witches used to wear long johns made of human skin called necro pants that they believed would bring them good fortune and personal wealth.
From the second this film starts and CARRIE BRADSHAW tells you the ancient history of the world, to the LIZA MANELLI dance sequence, this cinematic marvel demonstrates a profound consciousness of necropants and other dark powerful magic from the deep recesses of time.
The cringeworthy constant racism and insensitivity towards those of the Muslim faith is actually commentary on US foreign policy and therefore this movie is NOT racist.
Black magic spell to make someone fall in love with you:
recline on a bed and, with a glitter in your eye, imploringly recite the words “I’ll cook you some weenies.”
One of those movies that I’d love to be able to teleport myself inside of and live in for a while, sit down and have some tea and pumice stone and a cigarette and listen to gossip about who’s bought a washing machine vs. who’s husband bought them a hot plate.
Also captures the feeling of being a child better than anything I’ve watched in recent memory.