

Favorite films

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • The Truman Show
  • The Muppets

Recent activity

  • Pig


  • Cars 2


  • Black Christmas


  • The Lego Batman Movie


Recent reviews

  • Cars 2

    Cars 2


    This movie surprised me!! I had heard many times that it was critically panned, and one of my brothers and another friend both said they hated it.

    I did NOT have that experience! I thought the characters were great, Mater and Lightening are still likeable, the jokes were funny, and the plot was fun! Really enjoyed myself. A wonderful surprise! My brother Sid really liked it too, all in all we had a great time watching. :)

  • Black Christmas

    Black Christmas


    The pacing didn’t quite work for me, and even when I was focusing for the second half, I had trouble following the story. There’s a chance I may read it higher on a rewatch, since the circumstances of me watching it were a bit convoluted.

    I can see the appeal, and I can appreciate the cinematography and the visual storytelling! I feel like it just didn’t fire on all cylinders for me at all times. A bit inconsistent. But in many ways, a very well-made film! And I’m glad I watched it.

Popular reviews

  • The Lego Batman Movie

    The Lego Batman Movie


    Fantastic cast, amazing lighting and textures, adorably fun and clever writing (and a surprising amount of relatability!). There’s a lot of love in this movie. I’m chuckling the whole time, and whenever I’m not chuckling, I’m smiling. A feel good, animated treat!

  • Pig



    I cried for a while after watching this movie. The amount of emotional depth and genuineness absolutely blew me away. Nicolas Cage embodies this character. I feel like he always has the potential to pull off these quiet, yet explosive performances, with all this subtlety and rawness. But he doesn’t always do it. Then again, if I were an actor in his position, would I always want to give it 100%? It would be so exhausting. I’m just so glad…
