no stars. just enjoyed it.
this was definitely the era of film/prank/hip hop/inde/standup/late night that i was growing up in and captured me.
tom green was pivotal to where everything is now. no question there.
no stars. just enjoyed it.
this was definitely the era of film/prank/hip hop/inde/standup/late night that i was growing up in and captured me.
tom green was pivotal to where everything is now. no question there.
wow. well.
at my dude, djp,’s mention… i went into this completely blind - never seen a trailer - hadn’t heard of it… had no idea what i was getting…
it’s kooky - too much so for melissa… she bailed. probably should have provided her dramamine ahead of time. also probably means we’ll never go on a cruise now too… oh well.
i am not a cruise guy.
it’s longgg. but here i am: i was engaged and with-it…
i am not sure why it took me this long to see this film.
it’s the alien movie we all needed.
really beautiful : in so many ways. i really believe every measurable aspect of film is excellently done in this one. heartbreakingly beautiful. it deals with the deepest fears of life; extraterrestrial and not.
the more i sit on it: dang… very beautiful. the scoring. the acting.
most aliens are a let down when you finally see them… not…
ov-er ra-ted 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
did you watch the trailer? yep. you got the idea.
20 minutes in you’re like “yep, we got it… surely there is more coming…” an hour in “…there’s gotta be a twist or something…” an hour and a half in “how is this same storyline dragging on with very little movement?”
felt like there was a ton of praise for this one, so i probably went in with some high expectations… but if given the choice again, I’d skip for some extra z’s tonight
sorry, clint (eastwood) [first name basis]