Andy Lewis

Andy Lewis

watches documentaries about bands he doesn’t like

Favorite films

  • Umberto D.
  • Before Sunset
  • Old Joy
  • La Vie de Bohème

Recent activity

  • Police Story


  • Classic Albums: Steely Dan - Aja


  • A Hidden Life


  • JFK


Recent reviews

  • Police Story

    Police Story


    This movie’s got everything—flips, kicks, gags, lovable derpy masculinity, instant replay

  • Classic Albums: Steely Dan - Aja

    Classic Albums: Steely Dan - Aja


    “Don’t give too much away” - Miles Davis

Popular reviews

  • Echo in the Canyon

    Echo in the Canyon


    This is the type of music documentary that is enjoyable solely because it contains a few quality minutes of Brian Wilson talking. While the film’s main message “a bunch of white sell outs all lived near each other in LA, got high, and changed pop music forever” rings true throughout, this documentary ultimately fails at meaningfully capturing the significance of the music made in this period.

    Focusing so throughly on the “folk-rock” of The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, and their ilk,…

  • 8½


    This is one of those art films that leaves you with oh-so-ambiguous feelings of complete self-awareness and enlightenment, along with an equally present inability to put any of those revelatory feelings into actual words. You just sit there like... I get IT! What IS IT? I don’t know... but it SEems to have to do with SEX and ABUSIVE MASCULINITY, and AUTEURS. 

    I mean it’s really, really good.