James Clark

James Clark

Favorite films

  • House
  • The Celebration
  • Rosemary's Baby
  • Lake Mungo

Recent activity

  • Bad Genius


  • It


  • Mister America


  • WALL·E


Recent reviews

  • Bad Genius

    Bad Genius


    Started this after seeing the original awhile ago and man is it a weird one. The original film is better in basically every way. The most damning aspect to this in comparison is the editing. Really obnoxious and ruins a lot of the intensity of the original. Acting is fine for the most part, and structurally it’s very similar so in that way it’s still excellent. It’s just a much worse experience compared to its fantastic original. Oh the shorter runtime doesn’t help either.

  • It



    Feels like an adult goosebumps episode in places. Rewatched this after finishing the book.

Popular reviews

  • Seconds



    Horrifying sci fi thriller from a story perspective, but the cinematography and editing stole the show. I like Rock Hudson in this too, although I did like the terror and confusion that was always present on John Randolph through the first third of the movie just a little more. My only major gripe was that the 2nd third of the film was a little dull (that grape scene felt like it lasted an hour, even if I did like how it represented him being reborn in a way). Either way a fantastic film that captured this complex idea so phenomenally well.

  • Caché



    Such an experience of a film. My eyes were glued to the screen from start to finish analyzing every piece of dialogue to get some semblance of truth out of the characters. I was on the edge of my seat the whole film thinking it would take an extremely dark or intense turn, and when something like that does happen it is done so perfectly and is executed with such maturity. I loved every aspect of this film. The shot…
