Writer-director of Illuminati Castrati (2024)
Gay for John Milius
Desaturated cinematography is homophobic
Afterwards we had a heated discussion about whether it was tofu or cake.
You know how we've all been talking about how David Lynch is surprisingly kind? Yorgos Lanthimos isn't
Narratively, it's two hours of absurdly clunky exposition, followed by Paul's time on Arrakis reduced to a Rocky-style montage.
Stylistically there's more here, particularly sumptuous production design. Lynch has plentiful opportunities to be Lynch: space baby navigator, spice dreams, Sting emerging mostly naked as the Baron breathes heavily...
Better than the first, though that was needed to lay the groundwork. Just as visually impressive, at times more so (as always, I loved the epic grotesquerie of the Harkonnens). It finally got into the substance of the story, particularly the vexed question of political messianism, which the David Lynch entry skipped over too quickly.