

Favorite films

  • Beau Travail
  • What's Up, Doc?
  • Totally F***ed Up
  • Chungking Express

Recent activity

  • Aspen

  • Canal Zone

  • Home from the Hill

  • A Perfect World

Recent reviews

  • Aspen


    Imagine it. You’re a girl in your mid-20s sitting at a bar or club (unclear). Some guy with an accent starts talking to you — well, your friend actually. He’s from Germany, he’s probably never seen this many “orientals” before (2). You kind of end up spending the next 3 days with him, whirlwind situationship-style.

    Wiseman’s Aspen takes a fascinating look at the bizarre environment my parents met in 33 years ago. Beneath its elegant surface, we see how weird things get when a mansion beneath a ski mountain doesn’t end up being fulfilling enough.

  • Canal Zone

    Canal Zone

    More zone than canal, an initial letdown from the expectation of an infrastructure deep dive. But we have YouTube and Wikipedia for that. Quite the opposite, the residents of the thin strip of fabricated Hyperamerica Wiseman studies act either unaware or uncaring that a megaproject marvel of engineering is its whole ostensible justification.

Popular reviews

  • Ninotchka


    For a laundry list of reasons, most of them very reasonable, we generally do not make movies or media where other countries are being dumped line after line, gag after gag, but it is interesting that the jokes are political in nature rather than ethnic, which is generally seen as the differentiator in people from different countries today. I guess the joke is on the system instead of the people themselves maybe? Whatever it is, the jokes worked.

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  • Hookers on Davie

    Hookers on Davie

    A few years ago I had a couple aimless hours to spend alone in Vancouver and based on a quick search I chose to stroll through Davie Village, the local gay neighborhood. Didn’t find it particularly notable on a snowy December evening, but afterward did some cursory research and read about how the sex trade was pushed out — primarily by white gay businessmen for their own gain. A walk through the area makes me no expert, but the shitty…