Illustrator and nerd in search for enjoyable cinema🍿
PS: Top 4 are some of my current favorites.
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What makes The Illusionist such a boring watch compared to The Prestige except for its plot, is its complete lack of interest in the art of stage magic. The ridiculous reliance on cgi completely eliminates every opportunity at creating beautiful moments of wonder, resulting in a mystery that doesn’t feel mysterious in the slightest.
This was honestly a lot of fun! Ultimately though, the book is just loads better.
For a first time director, Tetsuya manages to bring special dreamlike quality to certain moments reminiscent of the style of Robert Eggers, yet I think sometimes more effective.
The film has a problem with the script, as it feels a bit unnatural in the dialogue and is without much subtext. But I found some particular lines worked really well.
It is however the visuals that make this short film work. Tetsuya directs the film with confidence and the cinematography is…