Maria Regina

Maria Regina

Favorite films

  • Cinema Is Not 100 Years Old
  • Ulysse
  • Le cinéma en deux
  • Tabu

Recent activity

  • Nope


  • Annabelle


  • The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It


  • The Conjuring 2


Recent reviews

  • By Pain and Rhyme and Arabesques of Foraging

    By Pain and Rhyme and Arabesques of Foraging

    Jorie Graham – Of Forced Sightes and Trusty Ferefulness

    (inspired by Sir Thomas Wyatt's My Galley, Charged With Forgetfulness)

    Stopless wind, here are the columbine seeds I have
    collected. What we would do with them is
    different. Though both your trick and mine flowers blue
    and white

    with four stem tails and yellow underpetals. Stopless
    and unessential, half-hiss, half-
    lullaby, if I fell in among your laws,
    if I fell down into your mind, your snow, into the miles


  • Le cinéma en deux

    Le cinéma en deux

    "there are two ways to criticize idealism, dazed, having your head in the clouds (...) as soon as we talk to someone, we're propagandizing; and unless you're mute, you always have something to say to someone: that's why our comrades have to study language."

Popular reviews

  • April 25 – An Adventure for Democracy

    April 25 – An Adventure for Democracy

    viva às vozes e ao que elas dizem

    "que raio de governo era aquele, que tratava os trabalhadores como se trata um boi, que dele apenas se quer a força de trabalho? que raio de governo era o governo fascista, que só nos dava o exílio, a imigração, a miséria, o bairro da lata, a espelunca, a fome, a peste, o trabalho de escravo... a miséria?"