

I play more games and read more books than I watch films and shows but Letterboxd makes me want to watch more movies!

Favorite films

  • Moonage Daydream
  • Velvet Goldmine
  • Falsettos
  • The Prestige

Recent activity

  • 9


  • Saturday Night

  • Loving Vincent

  • Loving Vincent


Recent reviews

  • 9



    Is this movie great? Nein! 
    Thank you regardless Mr. Nourse

  • Saturday Night

    Saturday Night

    accurately reflects how i’m feeling right now i think

Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    I have watched Oppenheimer one and half times and can safely say that i am a sucker for 3rd hour addendums on movies, there has GOT to be a word for what I’m talking about. Think like ballad of songbirds and snakes, Oppenheimer, or even Into the Woods. I really like into the woods as an example for this kind of movie structure because into the woods would be NOTHING without its 3rd part; these movies need these b plots…

  • Moonage Daydream

    Moonage Daydream


    I was reminded that Letterboxd existed again today, and what with this film winning a Grammy recently it's probably about time I write a review of my favorite movie. This may also serve as a love letter to David Bowie so it's gonna be a long one.

    Objectively, this movie is a Hodge-podge collection of David Bowie's collected work, it consists mostly of concert and interview clips that vaguely follow through Bowie's career chronologically. All of the songs and interviews…