Eric Gómez

Eric Gómez

Terror, Sci-fi, WWI & II, Docs, some series. Anything that make it spin the squirrel!

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • The Hunger
  • Possession
  • Hereditary

Recent activity

  • Interstellar


  • Hollywoodgate


  • Things Will Be Different


  • Anuja


Recent reviews

  • Hollywoodgate



    It's almost comic... And no, I don't mean the Talibans, I mean the 7 billion worth of military equipment abandoned by the US army. Abandoned on purpose, of course. Meanwhile right now they proclaim be who will solve a war that very they patron it.

  • Things Will Be Different

    Things Will Be Different


    I liked so much the use of basic resources instead complex effects. The story promised son much but in certain point it feels a bit forced on show tension and mystery. But in general it's good.

Popular reviews

  • Borderless Fog

    Borderless Fog


    I'm very and gladly surprised by this movie. Of course follows the rules of a thriller, but it know how get us into another atmosphere from a very peculiar place in the world where the law, the rules, traditions and believes are others. The lead character is just a bad ass and I would like to see more stories about her. A worth jewel in the Netflix catalog.

  • Feral



    "Yo no amenazo a nadie. Yo advierto" -Párroco de San Juan

    La atmósfera de este falso documental es verdaderamente de miedo. Comienza con un atisbo de algo trágico y poco a poco nos va sumergiendo en una historia oscura, tenebrosa, cruel y macabra.
    Todo aquí está en perfecta armonía, el guión, la música, la edición, la fotografía, las actuaciones, el diseño de producción. Definitivamente está, por mucho, a la altura de las mejores películas del género.