When he at the mic, you don't go next
1295 forever <3
way more layered than i originally expected. A really stylish film helped largely by an insane soundtrack.
This is bound to haunt me for a long time to come. An aching tale pushing me close to tears. One of the greatest performances in any form of media from Sheryl Lee.
On Letterboxd the third man was Nick's third most favorite movie. Out of 1295 watched that is quite something. And in typical Nicki fashion he didn't give it a 5/5 while many others got it that didn't make his top 4. He was weird like that but in a loving way. We watched it tonight in his remembrance for its a year since he left us and to celebrate the few we had known him for. Oh the movie? its…
wow just amazing and breathtaking. Honestly i'm speechless.... talking about Emily Blunt here of course.
the movie's fine too. It's captivating, the themes and the setting is interesting and it keeps you hooked throughout its under 2 hour run time, keeps you guessing too
But Emily blunt yeah? how is she so stunning in every movie what is it about her like god daym. most underrated actress of our time and so under utilized. Everyone knows I love Matt Damon…