Julian Guerra

Julian Guerra Pro

It’s for fun. It’s just for fun.

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • Army of Darkness
  • Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Recent activity

  • Cars 3


  • Day of the Dead


  • Companion


  • Batman


Pinned reviews

  • Midsommar



    Horror is mostly being okay until you’re not okay. Ari Aster’s characters are never okay to begin with, then they become ghastly effigies. Mockeries of who they once were, their purpose co-opted.  

    The consensus has labeled this as a horror movie about grief. I believe it’s more about how our privilege to believe that we will never experience grief at extreme levels results in delusions that leave us at the mercy of the unknown.  

    Aster wants to drag…

  • Possession



    This love triangle turned love parallelogram depicts the most painful aspects of a disintegrating relationship while playing with Cosmic (well, Weird at the very least) horror tropes and Eastern European folklore.  

    Isabelle Adjani is a woman who leaves an uncultured man (Sam Neil), for a cultured man (German guy with his taco meat out), then for a nameless thing with unknown intelligence. 

    This whole movie is INCREDIBLY unsettling. The color pallet is oppressive, the acting is frenetic, the setting evokes paranoia,…

Recent reviews

  • Cars 3

    Cars 3


    This is probably just the Stockholm Syndrome talking, (my son has been requesting one of the three Cars movies per diem) but I’m growing to enjoy the coziness of these movies. Sure, they’re immensely weird when you think about them too much and they’re full of Boomer-ass themes, but my kid likes the Vroom Vroom yuk-em-ups, so whatcha gonna do??

  • Day of the Dead

    Day of the Dead


    This is always second on the bill when I watch Escape From New York. Totally different movies, but both sharing sleazy  commonalities.

    Also, this is my personal favorite Dead movie. Crazy photography, and gooey, lingering effects shots. 

    Also, what’s worse? Being eaten alive by corpses, or being eaten alive by the stress of being alive?

Popular reviews

  • Scavengers



    Wow, this is like hooking up Moebius's brain to a movie projector while he's experiencing a fever dream. 

    Big time weirdo sci-fi.

  • The Pope of Greenwich Village

    The Pope of Greenwich Village


    For some reason Mickey Rourke and Eric Roberts walking arm in arm is the toughest thing ever. The downside is that there are a lot of loose threads in a (kinda) heist movie. So I had questions:

    - Did Eric Roberts say he prostituted himself to pay for that race horse? Might be a more interesting story there.

    - Did Daryl Hannah invent an aerobics/boxing hybrid exercise regimine? In the early 80s? Might be a more interesting story there.

    - Why…