
AshuraGray Pro

wannabe filmmaker, "director" and editor

Favorite films

  • Oldboy
  • American Beauty
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Princess Mononoke

Recent activity

  • The Brutalist


  • Sing Sing


  • Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives


  • Elizabethtown


Recent reviews

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    For a film called "The Brutalist" there's certainly a very tender gentleness in the way it tells its story. Especially the first half really indulges in taking the time to give both the short, small moments and the long dialogue scenes their time to breathe. And while you definitely get the sense that there is always an underlying sense of dread, trauma and melancholy of a grand design, it also exudes a very soothing beauty in the humane.
    This is…

  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing


    I think I wanna start group therapy now.

    A really wholesome, sincere, therapeutic experience. The way these men are portrayed in such a raw and vulnerable way is just so visceral. It's nice to see a story about the effect of healthy self expression through art and acting in setting where you might not expect it.
    And it's really an attest to how stellar the script and the acting are; there isn't a single bad performance in the movie and…

Popular reviews

  • Queer



    This movie's horny as fuck, but authentically horny. The way sex and skin-on-skin intimacy is portrayed doesn't feel fake sexy; it feels vulnurable, desperate, messy and sincere. And HORNY.
    It all looks great. It's shot with a vision and beautifully composed. The lighting feels like it's straight from a stageplay or a classic gangster flick or western, with bold lights cast in cones onto tables and surfaces, creating very distinct contrasts, which especially in rooms looks really nice. The editing…

  • The Outrun

    The Outrun


    This movie is so intimate and beautiful that it had me on the verge of tears for the majority of it; I cried twice. The script in my opinion is air tight. Everything, every detail about what is said, what is depicted, what is heard (the sound design is great), how it's shot and how it's performed feels just so intentional that nothing felt unnecessary and it all fit together beautifully.
    There are a lot of subtle and satisfying quirks…