

Favorite films

  • Groundhog Day
  • L.A. Story
  • Drop Dead Gorgeous

Recent activity

  • Death Note


  • Alita: Battle Angel


  • Ghost in the Shell


  • Challengers


Recent reviews

  • Death Note

    Death Note


    Absolute waste of a good story.

    They did an alright job at condensing a very convoluted story in the anime but doing it as a 105 minute movie was a bad choice. Everything feels rushed; as if the movie was running at 1.5x speed.

    The only real standout was Lakeith Stanfield as L. Dafoe was fun as Ryuku too but they made him a one-note character when we've seen the character be far more complicated.

  • Alita: Battle Angel

    Alita: Battle Angel


    I remember this getting mediocre reviews when it came out but I was actually entertained by this movie.

    It goes on maybe a little too long but the CGI is impressive and all the performances are solid.

    I was expecting to be taken out of the movie by the eyes and CGI hair for Alita but you get kind of used to it and Rosa Salazar and the motion capture team really bring her to life.

Popular reviews

  • Livescream



    Quite enjoyed this. It does have literally nobody questioning that a video game is apparently haunted but the movie quickly moves past that to focus on the connection you can make online.

    Solid little movie that understands that its premise could not sustain for 90 minutes and wisely keeps it short and simple.

  • L.A. Story

    L.A. Story


    One of my favorite movies of all time.

    I know Steve Martin didn't direct this but this movie IS him.

    His charm, his wit, his love of absurdity and magical realism permeates every aspect of this movie.

    This is a true romantic film that is designed to make you feel that there could truly be love and magic in the world if people let their minds go and let their bodies follow.