Movie critic and film freak. Not the one from Batman, but the more normal kind.
Define "normal".
Finally got the time to watch this. Really good, as expected. I want to specify few things:
1) Young Stellan Skarsgård looks so much like his son Alexander I was confused for a moment.
2) Young Tim Curry is precious bean.
3) Alec Baldwin does a pretty good Sean Connery impression in this.
I really, really liked THE LOST CITY OF Z. Heck of a thing. Can't wati for AD ASTRA later this year.
Especially the ending was superb. I love movies like this; meditative, slow but well paced, and Hunnam, Holland and Pattison give all great performances. And McFayden plays a great scumbag, as usually.
Really recommend this.
I am kinda sad that SNOWMAN will be the stain on Tomas Alfredson's otherwise excellent filmography, since he has made two movies that are right there in among my favorites; Let the Right One In and this.
I adore the ending. The mix of cheery french song with these absolutely miserable people getting bad endings (Smiley possibly nonwithstanding) and finding their pain and suffering ultimately meaningless. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is perhaps my favorite movie about cold war agents; it shows how soul- withering that must have been, yet it does it so beautifully.