
ausma Pro

“Is the cinema more important than life?"

"That's all I'm interested in, is love."

Favorite films

  • The 400 Blows
  • Lovefilm
  • Dekalog
  • Accident

Recent activity

  • Uncovering The Naked City


  • Our Children


  • La Ceremonie


  • Turn Every Page - The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb


Recent reviews

  • Our Children

    Our Children


    “You think I’d let you get an abortion?”

    What an incredible, truly excruciating film about how childbearing/-rearing in a world run by men can enslave a woman and rob her of everything — her body, independence, career, and, ultimately, her sanity. 

    Those beautiful moments spent in blissful sisterhood by the ocean 🩵 what a contrast with a life spent imprisoned in grey, patriarchal domesticity. 

    RIP Émilie Dequenne ❤️💔

  • Turn Every Page - The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb

    Turn Every Page - The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb


    the image of gottlieb and his wife sitting on the bed reading beneath all those plastic handbags…

Popular reviews

  • Babygirl



    they LITERALLY didn’t even get that freaky with it — feeding her grannie’s strawberry candies like a horse??? dairy industry propaganda having her lap up milk like a cat??? gimme a breakkkkkkkk

    harris dickinson = sexless, vibeless, KES ass tattoo that's not even a kestrel....

    NOTTTTT the father figure needle drop

    one of those films where everyone looks like they’re wearing the clothes they just bought yesterday for the very first time

    they rlly should’ve just had a threesome at the end

    do you think antonio banderas ever thought he’d be playing a man who can’t give his wife an orgasm?

  • The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp

    The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp


    anton walbrook was too perfect for this world