Austin T.

Austin T.

Favorite films

  • Yi Yi
  • La Haine
  • Tangerine
  • Spirited Away

Recent activity

  • On Becoming a Guinea Fowl


  • Bound


  • All We Imagine as Light


  • Gattaca


Recent reviews

  • On Becoming a Guinea Fowl

    On Becoming a Guinea Fowl


    a simple premise made affective by its terse refusal to meet the audience’s expectations. a movie that thunders as quietly as its protagonist. I loved the surreal flourishes throughout, amplified by the nighttime setting of the whole movie, and the quiet clarity with which the director portrays the social strictures of Shula’s family & community, mirroring their silent power over each of the women. as always, fuck men.

  • Bound



    everything a straight man could want in a movie

Popular reviews

  • The Master

    The Master


    Knotty, imperfect, wildly ambitious. Brought up a lot of interesting thoughts about identity, idolatry, subservience, and our capacity for change. The movie lurches like it's characters, and also like them, it's never fully understood. The questions it poses are impossible to resolve fully, but damn does the movie look good trying. Also Phoenix, Hoffman, and Adams all give performances of a lifetime.

    20706, w/ Jin

  • Yi Yi

    Yi Yi


    forgot what real cinema was…. never have I felt so close to a movie. Edward Yang you excavator of the human condition, you anatomist of loss and connection and hope and sincerity and yearning and failure and potential… I’m floored and flattened and broken and remade. thank you goodbye
