Surprisingly fun comedy horror that at times feels very Final Destination.
Sure not all the dots join, but the vibe keeps it going.
Evidently absent fathers have to take a lot of flak in this one.
Surprisingly fun comedy horror that at times feels very Final Destination.
Sure not all the dots join, but the vibe keeps it going.
Evidently absent fathers have to take a lot of flak in this one.
Superb feature - utterly cinematic, almost pure art.
A powerful film exploring trauma and memory.
While a first person perspective is nothing new for UK viewers of Peep Show, the format is a bold and refreshing way to immerse viewers into happenings here.
Best Oscar-nominated film I've seen this year.
Rik Mayall's depiction of the cut-throat world of television with a hint of Jimmy Saville. It's dark, brutal... With added Peter Capaldi !
Based on a novel by Josephine Tey, Young and Innocent has lots of Hitchcock flourishes. It's tempting to see it as a foreshadowing of Frenzy with its strangulation murder. There's some inspired photography - and a wonderful sequence on the beach early on. And a brilliant crane shot that takes us right into the face of the murderer . Hitch at his best was ingenious. This is certainly that.