Kung fu, kaiju, and exploding heads.
Current top four are favorite comfort movies.
When I watch these types of HK comedies, the movies I'm most reminded of are the 2000s-2010s era Seth Rogen comedies. Most notably This is the End. Not in terms of style, or filmmaking, or even type of comedy. It's more so that feeling of like, lets just get a bunch of our famous friends together and be funny for a while. It's a very comforting type of cinema.
"Daisy, seriously, shut your mouth. I have no problem shooting a robot horse."
I guess it's really over. I don't know what to say. The Venture Bros has never been a show that met you on your terms. You always met them on theirs, because their terms are better. Obviously I wish we could have gotten a full season 8 before the movie. From what I read, so do Jackson and Doc. That said, for twenty years they made this show…
Basically Charlie’s Angels only instead of angels they’re clones of Bruce Lee.