“Be a thinker, not a stinker!”
Apollo Creed
Another solid Bourne romp despite a lot of elements being recycled from previous Bourne movies.
I don’t mind open ended conclusions, but fuck me, this was like stopping a rollercoaster before the final dip. Still a decent movie overall and there is enough evidence from this director to declare him the greatest Russian filmmaker there is… sorry homies, please don’t be a Stalker and stalk me over it, just look in the Mirror, stop relying on Nostalghia and Sacrifice some time to give this guy a go!
So the creeper has a Batmobile that is disguised as an old rusty petrol can. Ok...
"We all need something to distract us from the complexity of reality."
I hate to say it but Rotten Tomatoes influences my movie choices. Its a habit I find hard to break. So when I came across this, a huge part of me didn't want to watch it due to its mediocre feedback. I had 90 mins to spare so I went for it.
This film is incredible. The grainy aesthetic works as a positive in reflecting the raw and…