

Amateur writer working at an art house theatre with pretentious opinions on films

Favorite films

  • 32 Sounds
  • Snatch

Recent activity

  • Snatch


  • Drive


  • North by Northwest


  • Possession


Recent reviews

  • Snatch



    Jason Statham(at an early enough point in his career that he’s not an action hero but a hapless boxing promoter down on his luck) is joy to watch bumble his way to success, failing upward as he and his partner piss off the scariest crime lord in the British underworld: Brick Top, a man who calmly and rationally explains why feeding corpses to pigs is the best way to dispose of bodies to people he has just met. 

    Snatch has a slick soundtrack, a great and diverse cast of characters, shocking violence, superb dark comedy, and drips with style. No notes.

  • Drive



    I can see why people wouldn’t like this or be bored by it. But going back to a movie with such a simple plot can be refreshing.

Popular reviews

  • North by Northwest

    North by Northwest


    As close to a perfect movie as you’ll get from this time period, North By Northwest is funny, thrilling, has a kickass soundtrack, great choreography, and Hitchcock’s signature style. 

    I was grinning ear to ear basically the whole movie. Shoutout to the incredible line “I have a mother, a secretary, two ex-wives, and several bartenders depending on me for support!”

  • Possession



    Best part of this movie was occasionally after seeing the weirdest shit ever it cuts to a couple of Stasi agents on the other side of the Berlin Wall just passing binoculars to each other like “bro are you fucking seeing this shit”
