23 • he/him • FL • avid film-watcher
I’m a sucker for class commentary, poignant drama, and campy horror.
It took about 25 minutes for me to realize the series had made the critical error of going from James Wan to Not James Wan. At least we’ll always have the first two Conjuring films.
Few films that I’ve seen have had the impact that TCM had on me. From the first brutally simple kill onwards, this film is a practice in sheer, unrelenting terror achieved through chilling simplicity in set and sound design, minimal characterization, and quick-hitting disturbing imagery.
One of my favorite aspects of this film is the pervasive metaphor comparing the protagonists to cattle in a slaughterhouse. It’s done so disturbingly well, and every time I watch I notice more details correlating to…
Rife with hilariously awkward dialogue, atrocious acting, terribly choreographed fight and action sequences, recycled dubbed lines of audio, remarkably incompetent editing (some scenes cut between different times of day, locations, character outfits, etc), an insane narrative, and shameless early 90s sexism. Is this one of the best worst movies of all time?
*puts mouth to stethoscope*
If The Room gets 5 stars, Samurai Cop gets 5 stars. I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.