Love genre, bored with plot.
Hate fascists.
Top 4: Some recent faves.
WARNING: I occasionally watch and enjoy smut.
Weak go nowhere sex-com padded out with hardcore inserts. Watched a wrecked VHS subtitle-free copy on a porn tube because I'm a fool for Brigitte Lahaie and I needed something mindless to kill time while my wife and I deal with the bureaucracy surrounding the theft of our car. Even with such low expectations, it disappointed.
Trying to fill in the gaps in my masters of horror watchlist. This title is one I've halfheartedly meant to get to for a couple decades. I love Romero, I like King but this...I dunno...maybe it was the Timothy Hutton factor? I don't hate the guy but I always got an "entitled customer at Starbucks" vibe from him. He does an ok job here playing *spoiler* twins(sorta). There is the bougie 'less-charming Kevin Kline' serious author character and then there…
Starts out as a moderately enjoyable Suspiria fan film-- lots of color, goop and grue, some wink-wink meta commentary, use of the Goblin theme AND some choice metal cues. It was ok and I had resigned myself to smiling politely through its runtime BUT THEN the third act turns into a trippy cosmic showdown by way of laser light spookshow freak out and I was over the moon! 5 stars for that.