Ben Parker

Ben Parker Pro

Favorite films

  • Jaws
  • Back to the Future
  • Ghostbusters
  • Forrest Gump

Recent activity

  • Game of Death


  • Heretic


  • Tank Girl


  • Moana


Recent reviews

  • Scarface



    1001 Movies To See Before You Die Challenge.

    Although aesthetically so different to the original 1932 version which I did enjoy I think the 1983 Brian De Palma version just blows it away.

    Al Pacino is perfect as Tony Montana his high energy brings so much to the role and the film has a great supporting cast.

    There is also an excellent 80s soundtrack. The film has inspired many others not only in the film industry but also in video…

  • Scarface



    1001 Movies To See Before You Die Challenge.

    This is a first time watch for me having only ever seen the 1980s version of Scarface.

    I do really enjoy the style that 30s & 40s gangster movies have but for me this is quite similar to a lot of other films of the times and films that I enjoy more.

    Still glad I've finally seen this version but I don't think this is a film you need to see before you die.

Popular reviews

  • Dreamgirls



    Watched for my film club, special round of musicals or films about musicians

    The film is loosely based on the Supremes and has excellent music(as you'd expect) set design, costume design but for me will get remembered for three excellent performances by three unlikely actors.

    Firstly Beyonce, she's not known for her acting but she does a great job. Secondly Jennifer Hudson is incredible in her debut role which she won an Oscar for. Thirdly Eddie Murphy is so good,…

  • Forbidden Planet

    Forbidden Planet


    1001 Movies To See Before You Die Challenge.

    For me the star of this film is the production design, I love seeing what the 50s thought the future would look like. The look of Robby The Robot as well is an iconic design.
    The sets are also great with amazing painted backgrounds.

    The 50s saw so many great science fiction fil.s being released and this is certainly one of the best of that decade and holds up to this day.…
