Felt staged at points but I thought that was great
The GTA hilarity really shone through
Uppa Parteb
Felt staged at points but I thought that was great
The GTA hilarity really shone through
Uppa Parteb
I got told off by an elderly lady sitting next to me for eating popcorn.
She sang every single song loud and out of key into my ear.
I came to see a guy who got paid millions to sing them, not you my love.
She gets no stars
I cried a lot
Related a lot to being a family of three and it made me so bloody grateful for my parents
And Claire Foy was wearing one of my mam’s jumpers… who’s also called Claire, was all happening mun
Could’ve given it a 4 but I didn’t so get over it
EDIT* after mulling it over I’ve given it a 4