Benjamin Zawilski

Benjamin Zawilski

this is the home for all my bad opinions about movies :)

Favorite films

  • Almost Famous
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Perfect Blue
  • Paprika

Recent activity

  • Lady Bird


  • Heat

  • Whip It


  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith


Recent reviews

  • Lady Bird

    Lady Bird


    Approximately half of the reviews for this movie are people giving five stars and fawning over how relatable it is and how much it made them want to call their own mothers and apologize. The other half are people giving it two stars and talking about how bratty and ungrateful Lady Bird is toward her mother.

    You know, her mother who dead-names her, body-shames her, publicly humiliates her, tells her that she’s not worth what it costs to raise her…

  • Heat


    I don’t care what the runtime says. Ain’t no way this was three hours long. This was a ninety-minute movie. Hundred minutes tops. Yes, the toggle bar said three hours. Yes, three hours of real time passed as I watched this. Doesn’t matter. It flew by in the blink of an eye.

Popular reviews

  • Whip It

    Whip It


    Hot roller derby girls don’t let Jimmy Fallon in a hot tub with them. If I could, I’d give it six stars.

  • Perfect Blue

    Perfect Blue

    a femininomemon