“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” -Kids
Regarding a bow and arrow competition, Robin Hood wouldn’t stand a chance.
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” -Kids
Regarding a bow and arrow competition, Robin Hood wouldn’t stand a chance.
"Hey, check it out, Norm-3PO. According to this real estate website, my timeshare on Alderaan is worth, like, ten times more than I paid for it six years ago. Oh, I knew the value would go up. It's just, it's such a peaceful place, and people like to...Wait, what? What's this? The...The value is totally dropping! Zero?" -Darthenshmirtz
Arguably the best Disney Star Wars movie.
“You know, Kermit the Frog, he once said, ‘Life is like a river.’ Also, he needed his legs to ride a bicycle.” -Barb
I want a “Lounge Against the Machine” album.
Watched with Sara, Derek, Austin, Allison and Kayla