so glad i watched this on the big screen rather than *ahem* “streaming” it on “certain websites” as i earlier intended… this is made to be enjoyed in a format where you can appreciate every pixel
“i’m sorry. i’m just sad”
“then cry on the inside like a winner”
— my two brain cells
jaime lannister?? UNHINGED nervous wreck leslie mann?? a suffering cameron diaz who has the best long jump i’ve ever seen?? baby angel kate upton who can’t act for shit but she’s so beautiful i don’t care?? inject this movie right into my veins. what it lacks in feminism it makes up for in comedy. i live for women plotting a man’s downfall while “girls just wanna have fun” plays in the background
“st. augustin said happiness is continuing to desire what we already have. but you— have i ever had you?”
whatever this is, i want it for my life. when do i get to go around from meal to meal with five of my homies and just vibe??
very much comfort movie coded. essentially many long and scenic sequences, bathed in gorgeous bronze-gold light, of food being cooked and consumed with so much love and passion and focus… i mean the…
“when you’re in darkness, you try to imagine light. but you cannot”
my first theatre watch since moving and boy was it nice to see an indie festival movie showing in mainstream thestres in delhi 🥹 kani kusruti continues to slay after her stellar performance in Girls Will Be Girls
cities like delhi and mumbai are living, breathing, massive organisms. it’s so easy to fall through the cracks if you’re not upper class socioeconomically. conditions make it hard for life…