Thad Taylor

Thad Taylor Pro

I like my movies like I like my women: A good sense of humor and an ending that leaves me hurt. Also cleavage.

Favorite films

  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  • End of Watch
  • Crank
  • Incendies

Recent activity

  • White Dog


  • Hardcore


  • Cruel Intentions


  • The Virgin Suicides


Pinned reviews

  • Eraserhead



    In 2016 at the Libertarian National Convention, Gary Johnson was booed when he suggested that perhaps driver’s licenses might be a good thing “I’d like to see some competency exhibited by people before they drive.” Booed. 

    Ironically, the whole debate feels Lynchian when another candidate says “What’s next, requiring a license to make toast in your own damn toaster?”

    This is how I feel watching Eraserhead aggressively refuse any semblance of a plot. I’ll be booed for this take. 

    The Gary Johnson Debate Clip

Recent reviews

  • White Dog

    White Dog


    Really great ending. For me this was a window into the world of how much cope some dog owners have. If you actually treated humans with the same level of empathy you did with a dog then the world probably would be a better place.

  • Hardcore



    Taken, but replace Liam Neeson with an evangelical single dad from the Midwest.

Popular reviews

  • Greg Warren: The Salesman

    Greg Warren: The Salesman


    We cannot let Smucker’s get ahold of bread!

  • Lincoln



    An impressive transformation by DDL, but the dialogue and staging made this feel like a soap opera at times. There’s no real suspense to the movie, because we all know how it’ll end. Great B list cast.