
Charlie Patron

Busy Doin' Nothin' / 25

Favorite films

  • Heat
  • The Apartment
  • A Scene at the Sea
  • Badlands

Recent activity

  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

  • The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

  • The Shrouds


  • The Death of David Cronenberg

Recent reviews

  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

    I like that this opens in a dusty town with a dirt road just to remind you that this is all happening concurrent with Cowboy Times. 71 years later and the giant squid attack sequence is still incredibly thrilling and probably more lifelike than any image in the live action Disney movie that came out yesterday. Hated every time people were mean to poor lil' Peter Lorre.

  • The Shrouds

    The Shrouds


    Had a heck of a time following where exactly this was going on a narrative level (There's a playfulness on Cronenberg's part in leaving exactly how much the conspiracy stuff ultimately matters to the audience) but emotionally it kind of blew me away.

    Feels thoroughly of a piece with Shinya Tsukamoto's Vital in its exploration of the living trying to understand the dead through their corporeal remains - now that I think of it Tsukamoto is very akin to Cronenberg…

Popular reviews

  • Speed 2: Cruise Control

    Speed 2: Cruise Control

    Willem Dafoe has a jar of leeches who he refers to as his boys

  • Abduction


    There is genuinely a scene in this studio blockbuster that has Taylor Lautner and Lily Collins bonding over making fun of photos of missing children