Bill Astle

Bill Astle

Favorite films

  • True Romance
  • Lady Snowblood
  • The Terminator
  • The Fly

Recent activity

  • Invincible: Atom Eve


  • Fist of Fury


  • The Big Boss


  • Opus


Recent reviews

  • Opus



    For whatever reason, I had decently high hopes for Opus going into it - maybe because of its strong cast and interesting (albeit generic) premise. And within half an hour, I came to the disappointing realization that my anticipation was misplaced.

    I don't find Opus to be an offensively bad film, per se - more that it's a complete vacuum of originality and substance. A typical stockish set-up of somebody being invited to an island and discovering that it's harboring…

  • Heart Eyes

    Heart Eyes


    The most charitable thing I can say about Heart Eyes is this: in a world saturated with Halloween and Christmas-themed slasher movies, a Valentine's Day slasher is a somewhat novel concept. However, that's as far as it goes in terms of being creative, as the rest of it is painfully predictable and safe. What we have here is a blatant Scream rip-off; a slasher disguised as a mystery regarding the identity of the killer.

    While it aims for a Scream

Popular reviews

  • Julia



    Tag yourself. I'm the cameraman in the mirror at the nightclub.

  • Doctor Who: The Star Beast

    Doctor Who: The Star Beast


    How insane is it that when you bring back a prolific showrunner to a long-running show, it's suddenly injected with a whole new energy and life? After Chibnall's dismal run of Doctor Who, being treated to such a joyful and emotional ride was... well, a treat. Russell T. Davies' writing is used to full effect here, providing Who fans with the perfect balance of exciting and heartfelt moments. The callbacks to David Tennant's era are effective and weaved beautifully into…