Bill Wright

Bill Wright

Favorite films

  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  • The Cabin in the Woods
  • Punch-Drunk Love

Recent activity

  • Evil Dead Rise


  • Body at Brighton Rock


  • Downsizing


  • Take Shelter

Recent reviews

  • Evil Dead Rise

    Evil Dead Rise


    EVIL DEAD RESKINNED: The normal evil dead routine. First act problems with a dead on arrival exposition and bland dialogue. Luckily we get a second act that more than makes up for the first 25 minutes with exceptionally creepy atmosphere and imaginative antagonists. It didn’t quite stick the landing in the end, but was an overall enjoyable experience as the new urban setting breathed new life into a series that never truly dies. 🧟‍♀️

  • Body at Brighton Rock

    Body at Brighton Rock


    The protagonists almost superhuman ability to make the worst possible choice whenever presented with a problem is the only scary idea this film presents. Generally uneventful and infuriating.

Popular reviews

  • Romancing the Stone

    Romancing the Stone


    Obscured in "Raiders" shadow, "Romancing the Stone" is still quite the treasure. 

    Although I often felt a step ahead of the picture, I continued to enjoy plotting along with its various twists and turns. 

    It's an early 80's venture into adventure storytelling that shouldn't be missed.

  • Innerspace



    Quaid is a star, but not a visible one with this telescope. Short's physical comedy is the only thing keeping the audience watching as its second and third act strech beyond their welcome. 

    Fun, but overall not memorable.
