baby, you are gonna miss that plane.
i’m a writer and an idiot, so i tell you this with supreme confidence: every movie is four stars!
kiki’s a country witch who re-pots herself in a bustling metropolis. so many beautiful themes and truths of life woven across this gorgeously wrought story. reminds me that living is putting yourself out there, and home is where you make it, even when it’s cold and miserable. people pick each other up because they’ve been low before. so much of pushing yourself across the threshold is learning what puts the wind in your sails. very very nice.
people may say it’s slight, but also isn’t life? broad swaths of my life have been just about finding my footing, and i can’t even fly.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
femme whiplash 😍
EDIT to say:
In my work meeting this week, I found myself heartily endorsing TÁR — "Oh, I loved TÁR. Really good." A coworker who hadn't seen it piped up — "oh yeah, isn't that the anti-Me Too movie?" The line hits well. I can understand the allure of the easy summary. A movie about a predatory lesbian written and directed by a white man, starring a magnificent performance by a straight A-list actress whose best performance…