Fred Williard, like Shoeless Joe Jackson Jr, no longer with us but will be talked about forever.
On an uncontrollable heater, my goodness.
Fred Williard, like Shoeless Joe Jackson Jr, no longer with us but will be talked about forever.
On an uncontrollable heater, my goodness.
Oh baby, he’s done it this time, adapting a truly phenomenal piece of literature into a signature work of art. The scope and vision of Killers is so expansive yet we never feel lost, only more vulnerable and closer to the Osage.
My heart hurts, when will we ever learn from the past?
Thank you Marty for forcing the world to pay attention.
Ps - read the book, y’all.
The Muscles from Brussels could roundhouse kick me in the jaw any fkn day of the week, it would be my pleasure, send me to the damn hospital zaddy. Good lord, THAT MULLETT, it's SLICKED back. Fabulous final set piece, we need more confetti in movies.
Considering that this film had 20 cuts, and I only have the bastardized theatrical via Netflix, I'm salivating and thinking about what Woo's cut has in store. Stay tuned everybody.